
Two Step

What is it and what song do I play?

I’m sure a lot of you have been doing an event only to have someone come up to you and say would you please play a two step for us! How do you choose a song to play and what can you play so that the other dancers can dance at the same time?

First of all let me tell you a little bit about the Two Step, or commonly referred to as the Texas Two Step! Some people claim that basic rhythm pattern & steps can be traced back to the 15th century in France, and to the North Army in General Custards days. l don’t really know myself because I wasn’t there back then even though I’m really old!

What I do know was that about 20 years ago l reamed the Texas Two step in Dallas, Texas! It was taught to me as a partner dance where you take two slow steps then. It was done in a circular pattern moving in a counter clockwise rotation. Now days in many parts of the US it’s taught Quick, Quick, Slow, Slow instead of Slow, Slow, Quick, Quick! Same dance you just need to know where to start off so you don’t step on your partners foot!

The Two Step has become popular because you can dance with a partner. You can even look into their eyes while dancing. The amount of Turns and spins you can do is endless. The man is supposed to lead, so he can dance with almost any lady without having practiced together. Since they are not extremely close the ladies are more open to dancing a two step for their first dance with a man instead of a slow dance.

There are many songs that are fitted just for the two step! If you listen to a song and start walking forward, thinking slow, slow, quick, quick you can quickly learn to identify an appropriate song. The tempo of the song and dance can vary as the age and abilities of your dancers change.

As you find popular line dance songs in your area, listen for that two step beat. You may find that if two steppers don’t fill the floor that line dancers can dance in the middle of the floor at the same time. This should be your job as DJ to control this and if line dancers are getting in the way call a two step dance only and then follow it up with a line dance only to make everybody happy.

Here is a list of some of country’s favorite two step tunes! You might cut this out and put it in your case for future use. I intend to talk about waltz’s, east coast swing, west coast swing and cha cha’s in the future. If you know of really good songs that fill the floor, please send me your list! I’d like to share them with everybody else! Kind of like the Mobile Beat Top 200! Maybe will call it the Mobile Beat Top Country Dance Songs! If I can help you in anyway please contact me

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